lunes, 23 de abril de 2007

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This is the film you have watched. Answer the following questions about the film:

1. Find and explain scenes, behaviours and phrases that reveal xenophobia.

2. Give examples of similar attitudes in your country.

3. Analyse the protagonist's behaviour and his particular xenophobia against his receiving country.

Why do you think he behaves like this?

4. What are some positive aspects of inter-cultural relationships? Find examples.

5. What kind of conflicts can arise in inter-cultural relationships? Give examples.

12 comentarios:

carmen dijo...

What a very interesting activity! Can you send me information about the film?

Anónimo dijo...

hi! this is Alvaro and i will send my answers tomorrow.¡¡viva raúl!!

Anónimo dijo...

I'm fran

1-The behavour of the grandfathr of the friend towards the family.
At the entrance of the disco.
2-In the schools
3-the father of the family.he only want to continue with his religion, although it doesn't like to his family.
4-That you can know the culture of other places.For example that the friend know some wordas in arabic.
5-If someone of the family is not agree, this can creates conflicts between them.for example what happened with the family

Anónimo dijo...

Hello Carmen. I am your sister Cruz.
Me gusta mucho el nombre de tu blog.
Espero que tus alumnos y alumnas valoren el esfuerzo y dedicación para preparar actividades tan motivadoras, educativas y adaptadas a los tiempos en que nos toca vivir.
Saludos desde tu tierra natal.
Asturies, "Qué guapina ye"

Anónimo dijo...

Hello,this is Paula,

1. Find and explain scenes, behaviours and phrases that reveal xenophobia.
-When their neighbours started calling them "monkeys".
-At the entrance of the disco.

2. Give examples of similar attitudes in your country.
-When people prefer to give jobs to spanish people
-When people deny their entrance at some places.

3. Analyse the protagonist's behaviour and his particular xenophobia against his receiving country.
Why do you think he behaves like this?
-Becouse he wants to continue with the life he has in Pakistan, with his religion,traditions...

4. What are some positive aspects of inter-cultural relationships? Find examples.
-That you learn how other cultures are and other languages and traditions.
*Ex. Your father is from Pakistan and you learn how his culture is.

5. What kind of conflicts can arise in inter-cultural relationships? Give examples.
-That both cultures may be very diferent or that the traditions can make the relation difficult.
*Ex. An Muslim and a Spanish.

Anónimo dijo...

hi,this is Álvaro another time:

1-for example when the neighbours said that they are like monkeys,or when the pakistani father don`t acept the inglish people.
2-when the a person of other colour enter in a spañish shop ,the person of the shop look more to him to look if he is going to stole something.
3-he is like that because want his family to be in the same religion that him,but also he likes a wife that work.
4-to be more tolerant .
5-racist conflicts because all the cultures don´t have the same costumes.
see you in class.

Anónimo dijo...

Hi!!I'm Patricia Pérez

1-When the neighbours called them monkeys.
In the disco the boy said you can pass you can't.
When the father speaks against the english and indian people.
2-They speak to the immigrants with bad manners.
And some people are disagree with that the black people enter in our country.
3-He has this behavior because he want to continue to his pakistan traditions.
4-You can know more cultures and languages.
And you can be more tolerance.
5-The religion and they doon't have the same costumes that in their own conuntry.

Anónimo dijo...

Hi!!this is Maria:
1-.When the neigbours called tem monkeys.Also when thay look at them disgust.
2-.We show bad maners to the rumanian people or the black people that enters in the country.
3-.Because he dosen't like the english people,he is embarrased of his soons nad he feel rejected in the reciving country.
4-.To know other cultures and to be more tolerant.
5-.Races conflits, problems because they don't have the same costumes and religous things.

Anónimo dijo...

hi, i'm patricia andreo..
1-the neighbours attitude towards they.
the father attitude towards the indians & english people.
when they are going to enter in the disco.
2-bad ways against rumanian people.
to the black people that enter in our country by small boats.
3-the father doesn't like the english live.
he feel embarrased against his children.
4-learn a different culture.
be tolerant with other religion people.
problems against other people because they don't have the same relgion or culture.

Anónimo dijo...

Hi this is Lucía:

1- At the disco, and when the neighbours insulted them.

2-Against rumans in the schools or against gyspys, we usually use bad manners to inmigrants.

3-The father of the family doesn't like the english culture. He only wanted to practise the Pakistan tradintions, religion... for him and his family.

4-You learn other religions, cultures, languages, traditions...
Example: if you go to an exchange you learn the culture of this family or people.

5-Conflicts with food, religion, traditions, family ...
Example: if your boyfriend/girlfriend is Muslim and you are Christian may his/her family doesn't acept you.

See you.

Anónimo dijo...

hello!! i´m mónica:

1.Neighbour actitudes against they, like for example when they call them " monkeys", when they want to enter in the disco...
Their father also present this actitudes against the English and Indian people.

2. Bad maners against they (rumains)
Black people are not wellcome.
Against the Gypsies for the same situations that I said before.

3. He didn´t want the english peple culture but he want to continue with his culture in England.

4. Learn the dufferent cultures, to understand better and to respect them more.
So we will be more tolerant.

5. Racist conflict, problems because they don´´t have the same costums like us, religion and family conflicts.

See you soon,


Anónimo dijo...

Hi!! this is Raquel:
1-When the neigbours look at them disgust and when the two boys are going to enter in yhe disco.Also, the father has xenophobia towards the English and Indian people.
2-Some examples of acttitudes in my country is when we show bad manners to the foreing people, specially to the Rumanian.
3-I think that he behaves like this, because he dosen't like the English culture; and he want to continue his costumes in the country.
4-The positive aspects are that people can learn more cultures, and in fact the people would start respecting the different cultures.
5-In inter-cultural relationship appear problems like racism or problems about religion, because thay don't have the same costumes.